South Carolina Concealed Carry Training Requirements

The below list of training requirements can be very intimidating! Not to worry, if you take any of the Concealed Carry Classes offered on this website we will carefully take you through all of the training requirements and issue you the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION that is required to “demonstrate competency.”

For those of you who just have to know what is included in those training requirements (and thus our class) here you go:

(1)        Legal Issues (two hours): The student shall be able to explain the following:

(a)        the types of situations that the use of deadly physical force would be justified;

(b)        list areas where the carrying of a concealed handgun is prohibited

(c)        the requirements of handgun storage under G.S. 14-315.1; and

(d)        the laws governing the carrying of a concealed handgun. The instructor shall determine the student’s level of understanding of the relevant legal issues by a written examination.

(2)        Handgun Nomenclature: The students shall be able either verbally or in writing to list the primary parts of their personal handguns.

(3)        Handgun Safety: The students shall be able to:

(a)        list at least four rules of safe gun handling and demonstrate all of these procedures during range exercises;

(b)        list four methods of safely storing a handgun and choose the method most appropriate for their personal use;

(c)        describe safety issues relating to the safe carry of a handgun; and

(d)        determine the proper storage of their handguns when there are minors in the home.

(4)        Handgun Fundamentals: The students shall be able to:

(a)        demonstrate how to load both a revolver and a semiautomatic handgun;

(b)        demonstrate how to unload both a revolver and a semiautomatic handgun;

(c)        describe the operational characteristics of their handguns; and

(d)        achieve a passing score on a proficiency test administered by the instructor as prescribed in Rule .0105 of this Section.

(5)        Marksmanship Fundamentals: The student shall be able to:

(a)        demonstrate a proper handgun grip;

(b)        demonstrate either the Weaver or Isosceles Stance;

(c)        describe the elements of sight alignment and sight picture; and

(d)        demonstrate trigger control in a dry fire exercise.

(6)        Presentation Techniques: The students shall be able to demonstrate the draw or presentation with their handguns.

(7)        Cleaning and Maintenance: The students shall be able to:

(a)        demonstrate how to “field strip” the handguns if their handguns can be field stripped;

(b)        describe how to perform a “Function Check” on their personal handguns; and

(c)        based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, list the lubrication points of their specific handguns.

(8)        Ammunition: The students shall be able to list the four components of handgun ammunition.

(9)        Proficiency Drills: The students shall be able to:

(a)        demonstrate how to check a handgun in order to ensure that it is safe;

(b)        demonstrate how to fire a handgun from a ready position;

(c)        demonstrate the ability to fire a handgun from various distances; and

(d)        achieve a passing score on a proficiency test administered by the instructor as prescribed in Rule .0105 of this Section.Instructors are required by 12 NCAC 09F.0105 to examine students to determine whether they meet the expectations specified:

(6)        administer a written examination to the student on the legal issues block of instruction to demonstrate that the student is knowledgeable in the laws of this State governing the carrying of a concealed handgun and the use of deadly force; and

(7)        administer a proficiency examination which shall demonstrate that the student is competent in the actual firing and safe handling of a handgun. Such examination shall include the following:

(a)        The student shall fire 30 rounds of ammunition at a bulls-eye or silhouette target from three, five and seven yard distances;

(b)        At each yard distance the student shall fire ten rounds;

(c)        21 of the 30 rounds fired by the student must hit the target.